Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Obama Editorials in the Shreveport Times (and other news)

Educating people about Senator Obama and generating real discussion on his policy positions is one of the best ways to support him. Local supporter Del Brennan has done just that with this editorial in the Shreveport Times, entitled "Barack Obama puts forth efforts on behalf of our soldiers." (Everyone should be doing this!)

In it, Del eloquently writes about Senator Obama's efforts at "confronting the problem...[of] the Army's treatment of soldiers suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses resulting from combat." It's definitely worth a read, as are the comments.

Homer Adams criticized Del's piece in his own opinion, "Arrogant Barack Obama wrong for presidency," which just appeared in the Times a few days ago. In it, Mr. Adams incorrectly states that McCain supported the recent G.I. Bill, which he did not. The piece goes on to refer to "Barack Hussein Obama," in true FOX News fashion, and attempts to cast doubt on how much we really know about him.

Misinformation like this is exactly what Obama's aims to combat - but the campaign can't do it alone. Let's keep writing in informative, educational, and factual pieces to the Shreveport Times and spread the truth about Obama (and perhaps also comment on erroneous ones).

Other news:

-Obama LA Field Director Alex Okrent told volunteers at the rally on Saturday that official campaign offices should be opening in Louisiana within two weeks - but this is a tentative timeline. There are offices in New Orleans (the Louisiana Victory 2008 headquarters) and Lake Charles (the Campaign for Change office), but these are not official Obama campaign offices. More information to come as soon as we receive it!

-More event photos have been added to our Flickr account, taken by Del Brennan. Del took some great shots of our June Unite for Change meeting and the Howard Dean Register for Change rally.

-We are currently looking for volunteers to help establish voter registration tables at various spots across Shreveport for National Night Out on August 5, a crime and drug prevention event. Please email or comment if you're interested in helping out!

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